October 5, 2007

About Academic Blogging

As a relative newcomer to blogging, I've been especially interested in thinking and learning about reasons for academics to blog, so I've been collecting links to articles and posts on this topic (or ones that would stimulate thought about it, one way or another). I thought I'd put the list up here, as it takes time to prowl around and find them in blog archives and so on. I'd be happy to be pointed to others (I'm sure there are many). All of these, of course, include links to other related posts or sites.
  1. "Form Follows the Function of the Little Magazine" (John Holbo, The Valve, March 31, 2005)
  2. "Academic Blogging and Literary Studies" (John Holbo, Crooked Timber, April 18, 2004)
  3. "Why Blog?" (Miriam Jones, Scribbling Woman, November 3, 2005)
  4. "The Blogosphere as Carnival of Ideas" (Henry Farrell, Chronicle of Higher Education, October 7, 2005)
  5. "Against Phalloblogocentrism" (Scott McLemee, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 3, 2007)
  6. Scott Eric Kaufman's Blogging Panel Paper (presented at the 2006 MLA Convention)
  7. "Bloggers Need Not Apply" ('Ivan Tribble,' Chronicle of Higher Education, July 8, 2005)
  8. "They Shoot Messengers, Don't They?" ('Ivan Tribble,' Chronicle of Higher Education, September 2, 2005)
  9. "Can Blogging Derail Your Career?" (Chronicle of Higher Education, July 28, 2006)
  10. "Blogging!" (Michael Berube, July 25, 2006)
  11. Workbook (April 3, 2006)
  12. "Why I Blog Under My Own Name (and a Modest Proposal)" (Matthew Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland, College Park)
  13. "Historical Scholarship and the New Media" (Panel featuring Tedra Osell, Scott Eric Kaufman, Brad DeLong, Ari Kelman)
  14. "I'm Nobody, Who Are You?" (Tedra Osell discusses pseudonymous blogging in the context of 18thC periodicals; posted at The Long Eighteenth)
  15. Discussion on "In the Middle" of Michael Berube's Midwest MLA Address (November 13, 2006)
  16. "Theorizing Blogging, Theorizing Theory" (Amardeep Singh, The Valve, April 19, 2006)
  17. Tim Burke, Easily Distracted ("The Trouble with Tribble," "Publishing Presentation on Academic Blogging," "Berube Stops Blogging")
I would also be interested in hearing from any academic bloggers who happen across this post what level of interest or awareness there is in blogging in among their colleagues in their home departments. Are blogs and blogging seen as fringe activities, in relation to conventional modes of scholarly research and communication, or are they moving towards the mainstream? Are your colleagues skeptical, curious, enthusiastic, uninterested?


Amardeep Singh said...

Nice list -- this was a major preoccupation for lots of us last year and the year before, but to some extent I think the conversation has sputtered to a halt a bit... I'm not sure why that is.

You might also want to look at Kathleen Fitzpatrick's stuff, especially her essay after the "Future of the Book" conference (which I did not attend).

The "Future of the Book" conference blog is here. And a recommended post by Kathleen is here.

Rohan Maitzen said...

Thanks for the further links. Probably you folks stopped talking about this because you'd said quite a lot already, whereas for whatever reason (and I do wonder why) I had no idea academic blogging was going on until recently--certainly it remains mostly unknown (unwanted?) among my immediate colleagues. (My impression is that not many Canadian academics are involved in blogging--I've been starting to notice, too, that a lot of the onlin discussion focuses on academia in relation to the American political scene, which affects the character and tone of the conversations, not always for the good!)